REMINDER: Anyone wishing to open enroll into the Mount Vernon School District for the 2025-2026 school year must complete and turn in paperwork by March 1, 2025.

Open Enrollment Application

Health Office

Mount Vernon school nurses strive to provide compassionate and comprehensive health services for your child. School nurses are able to meet a variety of healthcare needs for your children while attending school. In addition, we promote prevention and wellness and provide access to care for students to stay healthy, safe, and ready to learn. We understand that a healthy lifestyle is key to your child’s overall well-being, academic success, and lifelong achievement.

Services provided by school nurses include:

  • Promoting health education, promotion and disease prevention
  • Identifying health concerns by observation and assessment of needs
  • Providing guidance in chronic disease management and assist with access to care in collaboration with community agencies and medical providers
  • Providing medication management
  • Ensuring immunization verification according to state guideline requirements

Students are required to submit certain documentation at various stages of their school attendance.  Please see the list and links below.

Dental Screening

  • Kindergarteners
  • 9th graders

Link to Dental Screening Form


  • Preschool – 12th graders
  • 7th grade – Certificate of Immunization to include booster of the Tdap and the Meningitis vaccines before the first day of school
  • 12th grade – Certificate of Immunization to include booster of Meningitis vaccine before the first day of school

Physical Exam                    

  • Students in PreSchool program
  • A physical exam is “recommended” for kindergarteners but NOT required. (Your doctor’s office should provide you a copy. If not, please use the school’s medical exam form found below)
  • 7-12th graders playing a sport

Link to PreSchool or Kindergarten Physical Exam Form

Link to 7th – 12th Grade Sports Physical Exam Form

Concussion Form

  • 7-12th graders playing a sport

Link to 7th – 12th Grade Concussion Form

Lead Screening                  

  • Kindergarteners (Students should be tested sometime since birth.)

Students with the following symptoms will be sent home:

  • A temperature of 100 or above (oral) or equivalent (normal temperature for 24 hours without medication before returning to school)
  • Vomiting (free from vomiting for 24 hours before returning to school)
  • Diarrhea (free from diarrhea for 24 hours before returning to school)
  • Unexplained abdominal pain
  • Severe cold and/or cough
  • Unexplained skin eruptions or rash
  • Swelling, redness, tenderness, discharge of eyes (requires a doctor’s diagnosis and treatment, if needed, or until symptoms are gone)
  • Communicable disease (requires a doctor’s diagnosis and treatment, if needed, or until symptoms are gone)
  • Any health condition that in the nurse’s judgment is of concern for the child’s or other’s health

Parent/Guardian Responsibility

Parents/Guardians will be responsible for communicating information to the office staff and school nurse regarding illnesses, accidents, medication, physical education restrictions, communicable diseases, treatments or pertinent medical and dental information. Parents are also responsible for informing the school of any changes of information on the health and emergency forms to include emergency contacts.


If medication is to be administered at school, a “Medication at School Form” must be filled out and signed by the parent/guardian. Additional forms may be obtained at the school’s health office. Medication must be in the original container that is labeled by the pharmacy or the manufacturer with the name of the student, name of the medication, time of day that it is to be given, dosage and duration. Over-the-counter medication such as acetaminophen, ibuprofen and cough drops are provided by the school and do not need to be brought in from home. 




Students will be allowed to refrain from participation in physical education classes/recess for health-related reasons for one day with a request from the parent/guardian. A physician’s note explaining the nature of the limitation and recommended length of non-participation shall be requested after that time.


If your child has a disability or life-threatening food allergy, and you would like a substituted menu, print and fill out the ‘Diet Order Form and Food Allergy Action Plan’ at the link below. You can also obtain a form by calling the nurse of the school your child attends. These forms will need to be signed by a physician licensed by the state and returned to the nurse where your student attends.

Diet Modification Request Form


Mount Vernon Community School District follows treatment guidelines for managing head lice developed by the Iowa Department of Public Health. Current guidelines state the following: “Children should remain in school for the rest of the day if head lice are detected. Notify parents by phone, provide educational materials on treatment and review treatment protocols.  It is reasonable to expect that treatment be started before the child returns to school the next day.”

To keep the incidence of head lice from being transmitted, parents are asked to check all family members for head lice regularly and to treat those found to have live lice or new eggs. If lice are found, parents are asked to notify the school nurse so that the incidence of lice in the school can be monitored.

If you have questions about the district’s head lice guidelines or need assistance in the treatment of lice, please contact your school nurse.

Head Lice Information


To support Mount Vernon Community School District students with allergies and food intolerance, and to meet food safety guidelines, treats brought for student celebrations must be commercially prepared food with an intact ingredient label. Fresh, uncut fruits and vegetables are also appropriate. No homemade treats will be accepted, and any items not meeting these requirements will not be served to students. Non-food items including, but not limited to bubbles, play-doh, stickers and tattoos may also serve as appropriate student celebration items.


Iowa Code, Chapter 139a.8(6) and Iowa Administrative Code, 641-7.7(139) outline the immunization requirement for students attending licensed child care centers and elementary or secondary schools. Students shall have received the required immunizations and submit the Iowa Department of Public Health Certificate of Immunization or have a valid Certificate of Immunization Exemption, or Provisional Certificate of Immunization.

Immunization Requirements Chart

Certificate of Immunization Exemption-Medical

Certificate of Immunization Exemption-Religious


Kids in Need

Kids in Need is a nonprofit program that assists families in the school district in time of need as well as offering different programs throughout the year. 

Two programs that run throughout the school year are the Weekend Snack Pack Program and the Slow Cooker Program. Please contact the school nurses for more information or to sign up.

Holiday programs include Thanksgiving Dinner meal packs and the Christmas Wish List Program

If your family needs assistance please don’t hesitate to reach out to one of the school nurses.

Winter Energy Assistance

For energy assistance during the cold winter months click here for information. If you need assistance completing the application, contact your school nurse.

Other Helpful Resources

Southeast Linn Community Center

(319) 455-2844

The mission of Southeast Linn Community Center is to facilitate the well- being of the citizens of Lisbon and Mount Vernon, with emphasis on the economically disadvantaged, children, and senior citizens of our community.

Open Hours:  Mon – Fri: 9am – 4pm

Location Address:

108 S. Washington St.,

Lisbon, IA 52253

Hawkeye Area Community Action Program

(319) 393-7811

Community action agency serving 9 counties in Eastern Iowa with a commitment to empower and improve the lives of families living with everyday barriers of poverty.

Willis Dady Homeless Services

(319) 362-7555

Provides shelter and prevention services to the homeless and near-homeless.


(319) 365-1458

Waypoint’s programs aim to provide proactive solutions and stabilizing resources for those experiencing homelessness, poverty, and violence or needing affordable child care.

United Way of Central Iowa / 2-1-1

211 free, trusted, professionally curated information and human services referral service that helps Iowans find the help they need 24/7/365.

Linn County

(319) 892-5600

Local community resources in Linn County.

Community Health Free Clinic

(319) 363-0416

Provides free medical care for those in need, located in Cedar Rapids.

Area Food Pantries Links

Cedar Rapids

