
Our students consistently score above state and national averages on state and national academic assessments, and are able to pursue interests in core academic classes as well as classes in the fine and practical arts.

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The District has exemplary and award-winning programs in band, choir, orchestra, theater, and art, with learning and performances taking place in a state of the art Performing Arts Center.

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The Mount Vernon Mustangs consistently excel at high levels in all sports, winning multiple state, district, and conference championships throughout its history.

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Excellence in Academics, Arts & Athletics

Our students thrive in a culture that recognizes that being a well-rounded person is key to their personal growth and development. Many of our students excel in all three arenas, developing life skills and building relationships that will assist them for their lives after school.

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What we’re posting

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Do you need something to do over spring break? There will be a free showing of The Greatest Showman at the BIJOU on Monday, March 17th at 11:00 am. 50% of concession sales will go toward the high school cast of The Wolves as they prepare for their trip to the International Thespian Festival. Seating is limited and tickets must be picked up in advance. Contact to reserve your spot. See MoreSee Less

1 week ago

It’s been an incredible two weeks of music making in Mount Vernon!

The Festival of Bands, Orchestra Extravaganza, and Choir All-Sing Concert featured musicians from all three Mount Vernon Schools. MVMS 5th Graders performed their annual musical to a roaring success. The same night, the MVHS jazz band performed at the incredible Voxman Auditorium as a part of KCCK’s Corridor Jazz Project. And don’t forget the pep band traveling to the State basketball tournament and District jazz competitions somewhere in between!

Congratulations to our incredible fine arts programs on an amazing two weeks!
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2 weeks ago
Its been an incredible two weeks of music making in Mount Vernon!

The Festival of Bands, Orchestra Extravaganza, and Choir All-Sing Concert featured musicians from all three Mount Vernon Schools. MVMS 5th Graders performed their annual musical to a roaring success. The same night, the MVHS jazz band performed at the incredible Voxman Auditorium as a part of KCCKs Corridor Jazz Project. And dont forget the pep band traveling to the State basketball tournament and District jazz competitions somewhere in between! 

Congratulations to our incredible fine arts programs on an amazing two weeks!Image attachmentImage attachment+4Image attachment

What a great opportunity for kids…set up by the MVHS Counselors. Over 50 colleges & the 4 branches of military are represented at the MVHS college fair!
PC: Steve Brand
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2 weeks ago
What a great opportunity for kids…set up by the MVHS Counselors. Over 50 colleges & the 4 branches of military are represented at the MVHS college fair! 
PC: Steve BrandImage attachment

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Area HS were invited. Lisbon & Springville brought students to MVHS.

Maybe next year we could do a mount vernon Lisbon college fair day. Awesome thinking.

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Upcoming Public Hearing

Pursuant to HF 718, Mount Vernon CSD will be holding a public hearing on March 24th at 6:30 PM…

March 2025 District Newsletter

February was full of more fantastic and State Championship events in Mount Vernon. The March newsletter highlights what our students…

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Fostering growth and confidence as learners and people

Opportunities to Explore

Students in the Mount Vernon Community School District have the opportunity to pursue their interests and passions in a variety of academic programs, while also being able to engage in a variety of extracurricular activities.

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Accomplished Educators

The Mount Vernon Community School District is fortunate to have teachers and staff members who have dedicated several decades in service to our students, while also recruiting talented new teachers and staff members to join a dynamic team.

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A Caring Community

Supporting the social and emotional growth and well-being of our students is as important as their academic growth, and is evident in the positive relationships established between the students and staff.

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100% of the Mount Vernon Community School District recognizes and celebrates the accomplishments of all students and staff in all academic and co-curricular areas.


70% of Mount Vernon Community School District students receive college credit prior to graduating from high school, and 87% of our graduates are enrolled in a two or four-year academic or trade program.


MANY of Mount Vernon Community School District students work in the community and are engaged in a variety of volunteer and service projects.


MAJORITY of Mount Vernon Community School District students are involved in co-curricular and extra-curricular activities.

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Our students are all in with being proud Mustangs and proud members of the Mount Vernon community, and our staff and community are all in for them!

Dr. Greg Batenhorst