Staff Directory

To find a staff member at one of our buildings, please click on the appropriate building directory link listed below.

Staff Directory by BuildingBuilding Principal
Washington Elementary Staff DirectoryKate Stanton
Mount Vernon Middle School DirectoryBob Haugse
Mount Vernon High School DirectorySteve Brand

District Office

525 Palisades Rd SW, Mount Vernon, IA  52314

PHONE: (319) 895-8845

FAX: (319) 895-8875

Click on the name below to email a staff member.


Matt Leeman, Superintendent

Michael Marshall, School Business Official

Deb Etzel, Business Services Manager

Amy Weber, Administrative Assistant

Julia Andrews, Alumni Association Director / Communications Specialist

Kate Stanton, District Special Education Director

Michelle Boyden, District Teacher Leadership Instructional Specialist


Sean Flockhart, Director of Technology

Trever Pflughaupt, Assistant Director of Technology

Sonya Sullivan, Technology Secretary

BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS (319) 895-8843 ext. 4010

Chris Noll, Buildings and Grounds Director

Marty Williams, Buildings and Grounds Director

NUTRITION DEPARTMENT (319) 895-8843 ext. 4007

Mallory Gerber, Food Service Director

TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT (319) 895-8845 ext. 1008


Bus Route DriversBus Substitute or Activity Drivers
Dave Blythe
Denny Gross
Sally Hunter
Cliff James
Steve Pisarik
Jeff Schmatt
Rick Schweibert
Larry Simons
​Craig Capron
Sam Capron
Jenny Ciha
Rob Hanson
​Bob Haugse
Kyle Jaspers
Mike Jones
​Ben Kuker
David Payne
Dennis Rodenberg
​Doug Shannon
Rajindar Suri
Aaron Truitt
Jeff Walker
​Dee Winder
To reach any of our route drivers, please contact the Transportation Department at 319-895-6205.