REMINDER: Anyone wishing to open enroll into the Mount Vernon School District for the 2025-2026 school year must complete and turn in paperwork by March 1, 2025.

Open Enrollment Application

Alumni Association

IMG 0269
MV Alumni

The Mount Vernon School Alumni Association was organized to improve communication among alumni and with the school district.  Some of the projects the Association continues to work on are a comprehensive alumni database, reunion services, alumni social events, and making contact with reunion organizers from each graduating class.  If you went to school or graduated from Mount Vernon, you are considered a member of the Alumni Association.  Visit the Association website at


The Mount Vernon Community School District Alumni Association is established to support Mount Vernon Schools’ alumni activities. This may be accomplished by, but not limited to:

  • Fostering the continuing spirit of tradition and loyalty among the alumni of Mount Vernon Community School District
  • Creating and maintaining a channel of communications to provide school and alumni information to Mount Vernon Schools alumni
  • Providing support to class reunion committees
  • Sponsoring alumni events and fostering social activities for alumni
  • Be a resource to current graduates


May 1: Alumni Hall of Fame Award nominations due

July: Alumni/Community Breakfast on Saturday during Heritage Days.  Visit with alums and community members at the reception area uptown Mount Vernon on Friday and Saturday during the Heritage Days celebration.

August: Alumni Association Annual Meeting and Board Reorganization Meeting

Fall: Homecoming and Hall of Fame Award Ceremony.  All award events take place on the Friday of Homecoming.