Fostering growth and confidence as learners and people.
Through effective and intentional collaboration, the Mount Vernon Community School District will develop clear goals that outline the steps needed to be an exemplary district of choice.
We believe all students can learn at high levels, and meeting the social and emotional needs of all students is critical. To meet these needs we will . . .
- Ensure students are engaged in meaningful learning activities
- Maintain curricular goals and objectives consistent with state and national standards
- Engage students in learning activities that prepare them for further education and work after graduation, and prepares them to be contributing members of society
- Assess the progress of students based on clear learning standards
- Establish a clear PreK-12th Grade articulation of curriculum standards
- Maintain systems that identify students who may be at risk
- Provide an emotionally safe school community
We believe our students should be thoughtful students and global citizens. We expect our students will . . .
- Accept responsibility for their own learning
- Accept responsibility for their own decisions
- Be students who engage in critical thinking and problem solving
- Be involved in academic and other activities
- Contribute to the school and the community in a positive manner
- Be respectful of people from diverse backgrounds
- Be respectful of people with differing viewpoints
- Exhibit cultural awareness when dealing with people or studying global issues
- Embrace being part of a changing world by contributing to the development of societal values and practices
- Give their best effort by fully engaging in the learning process
- Be responsible digital citizens in both academic and social contexts
We believe our staff members serve as key role models and support people in ensuring the academic, social and emotional growth of all our students. To this end our staff members will . . .
- Support the stated mission and vision of the Mount Vernon Community School District
- Maintain high expectations for student performance and modeling lifelong learning
- Collaborate on a regular basis to ensure that instructional practices are reflective of best practice
- Actively engage in professional and staff development
- Engage in reflective conversations and seek feedback
- Develop and maintain positive relationships with students and parents
We believe a healthy culture is necessary to achieve our goals. To maintain a healthy culture we will . . .
- Ensure everyone is treated with respect and care
- Foster appropriate behavior and character development
- Recognize and celebrate students and staff in all curricular and extra-curricular activities
- Provide an environment that is emotionally and physically safe
- Maintain facilities that are safe, meet the learning needs of students, and are a source of pride
We believe it is imperative the district maintain a positive role in Mount Vernon. To maintain a positive connection with the community, we will honor the community’s past and look forward to its future and will . . .
- Encourage community members to be a part of the school through volunteer efforts and attendance at school events
- Engage the community in dialogue and problem solving when considering major changes within the district, including changes in curriculum and programming as well as changes and updates to the district’s facilities
- Encourage students to volunteer and serve in the community
- Be open with the community, regularly reporting updates using a variety of communication methods
- Share resources including our facilities for community events
- Utilize partnerships with Kirkwood Community College and Cornell College to support academic growth of students as well as to address district facilities needs
In order to implement the vision of the Mount Vernon Community School District, we will . . .
- Work collaboratively in developing instructional strategies and assessments that are reflective of best practices as well as state and national learning standards
- Provide learning opportunities that meet the individual needs of all students
- Partner with outside service providers to offer counseling and programming that addresses the social and emotional needs of all students
- Enhance the climate and culture in all schools by utilizing common language, practices, and programs
- Develop a short and long term plan for facilities upgrades that is consistent with the mission and vision of the district and is reflective of the desires of the larger Mount Vernon community
- Develop communication protocols that regularly engage the community in dialogue regarding the future of the district
- Maintain a culture that is committed to equity and respectful of people of all backgrounds