Parent-Teacher Conferences

Communication between home and school is critical to providing an effective instructional environment for our children.  As we prepare for parent-teacher conferences we look forward to parent insights regarding their child’s education as well as their input about how their school year is going. As a parent, you provide valuable information for your child’s classroom teachers so they are better able to address your child’s needs. Our teachers truly appreciate the support parents give to their children in his/her education while they are at home. During conferences, teachers will be sharing information about student achievement, work habits, and peer relationships. Please write down any questions that you may have about conferences.

Parent-Teacher Conferences are held twice during the school year. As details are available for each school we will post them here.

Washington Elementary Parent Teacher Conferences

Since parent-teacher conferences were canceled due to weather, Washington Elementary teachers will send out a Google form asking parents to sign up for conferences on Monday, March 10 from 3:30 to 6:30. Conferences will be 15 minutes in length. If Monday, March 10 does not work for the parents, we ask that they contact their student(s) teacher(s) and arrange an alternate time.

Middle School Parent Teacher Conferences

Parent teacher conferences which were cancelled on  Wednesday, March 5th have been rescheduled to Thursday, March 13th, 4:00pm – 8:00pm.

Those parents who had conferences scheduled for March 5th will get an opportunity to reschedule a conference on Thursday the 13th.  

For those who had a conference scheduled on the 5th, an email went out to the first contact listed in Powerschool on Friday, March 7th.  Sign up will open for that group on Saturday, March 8th at 7:00am. 

Emails went out on Monday, March 10th to everyone else, and sign-up will open at 1:00 pm on Tuesday, March 11th.  We ask that anyone who had a conference on Thursday, February 20th, NOT sign up again as you have already had one. 

Sign-up for everyone will close at 3:00 pm on Wednesday, March 12th. 

5th Grade conference link:

6th 7th 8th Grade conference link:

High School Parent Teacher Conferences

Parent-Teacher Conferences: High school parent-teacher conferences will be held on April 9, from 2:00 – 6:00 p.m. A link will be emailed to families when we are closer to the conference date.