REMINDER: Anyone wishing to open enroll into the Mount Vernon School District for the 2025-2026 school year must complete and turn in paperwork by March 1, 2025.

Open Enrollment Application

Parent Organizations

Mount Vernon Community School District is proud to have four parent organizations that support students and staff. Washington Elementary is supported by Washington Elementary Teachers and Parents (WETAP) organization. The Mount Vernon Middle School relies on Mount Vernon Middle School Teachers and Parents Organization (MVMS PTO), the Mount Vernon Fine Arts Association (MVFAA), and the Mount Vernon Booster Club to help support activities for students and staff. The High School fine arts programs and athletic programs are also supported by the Mount Vernon Fine Arts Association (MVFAA), and the Mount Vernon Booster Club. Each year these organizations donate thousands of dollars to our District. All of the groups are looking for new members and new ideas. Get involved now!

Ways To Get Involved

Volunteer for Events

Many district events are held at each of our buildings and all of the parent organizations provide support for these events.  Volunteer help is appreciated!

Work Concessions

Help is always needed to grill, pop popcorn, cashier, or load and move product.  Please use the Concession sign-up link below to get involved.


It is now more convenient than ever to donate to our parent groups.  By using the Donation link below you can directly give to one or more of the groups.

Additional Parent Group Information