Mount Vernon Community:
Welcome to a new day in the Mount Vernon Community School District with the launching of our new website. When the District made the commitment to update its website, a comment shared by a member of our Communications Committee became the focus of our work when this committee member challenged us to develop a website that “looks like us.” While there are still elements of the website that will require further development, the vast majority of the new website is up and running as of April 1, 2021 (no, this is not an April Fools joke).
Hopefully you see a website that looks like us in the pictures you see of our students and our programs, and hopefully you will find information that is important to you that you seek when going out to the website. We have made every effort to make the website as easy to navigate as possible, and have tried to make it as user friendly as possible. A website has many different audiences from current families to community members to families of prospective students. In many ways the District’s website is its front door, and is the first communication tool people access when wanting to learn more about the Mount Vernon Community School District. Our Communications Committee is studying the new website in the near future to offer its feedback regarding possible changes that may improve the current content of the website. Please do not hesitate to reach out to us with your own feedback if you feel it would be beneficial to us.
The development of a new website is an enormous task, and came about due to the hard work of numerous people. Superintendent Secretary Amy Weber and Director of Technology Sean Flockhart served as key leaders in getting this work done, and were tireless in leading its development. A big thank you also goes out to all building secretaries, principals, and staff members who developed content for the website.
This welcome message is the first blog that I am sharing that will be a regular feature on the website. My goal is to blog on important issues several times a month, and I encourage you to access this blog through my Superintendent’s page on the new website. I also encourage you to provide feedback in what you read in my blog posts.
I hope you enjoy our new website!
Dr. B.
Photo Credit: Tony Heyward, https://www.flickr.com/photos/99814046@N04/9433488095