Each year the School Board must formally approve a calendar for the following year(s) and allow for public input on said calendar. There is a time for this feedback on the Monday, February 10, 2025 School Board Meeting Agenda for anyone interested in providing feedback.
Items to note on this calendar are as follows:
- School for students would begin on Monday, August 25, 2025.
- The last student day barring inclement weather beyond the established make-up time would be Thursday, May 28, 2026.
- We are changing the dismissal time for our early outs from 1:05pm to 1:15pm. This will then be a two hour early out when aligned with our regular dismissal time of 3:15pm.
- The calendar reflects 174 student days totaling 1,113.62 hours. We are required by law to have a minimum of 1,080 hours of instruction in a calendar year.
- We will have 5.17 days or 33.62 extra hours for inclement weather make-up built into the calendar as it’s proposed.
If you’re interested in coming to speak on the proposed calendar the regular meeting of the School Board will be held this coming Monday, February 10, 2025 at 6:30pm in the High School Library.