The regular monthly meeting of the Mount Vernon Community School District School was held on May 13, 2024. The following topics were addressed during the meetings:
Approval Agenda: The Board approved the agenda as presented.
Public Hearing for FY 2024 Budget Amendment: A hearing was held as required by law to address an amendment to the FY 2024 budget. No comments were offered during the hearing.
Public Comments: No public comments were offered during the meeting.
Superintendent Report: Dr. Batenhorst commended the Board on its great work as part of the celebration of School Board Appreciation Month. All Board members were provided with a certificate of appreciation from the Iowa Association of School Boards. Dr. Batenhorst also commended the staff and students for a great school year.
Program Division
Standards Based Practices Report: Dr. Matt Townsley from the University of Northern Iowa provided an overview of his report that he completed related to the District’s standards based practices. Dr. Townsley completed a series of interviews and surveys to provide the District feedback and guidance related to standards based practices. Dr. Townsley is a national expert on the subject of standards based grading and reporting practices. The Board and administrators will set goals for the 2024-2025 school year based on the recommendations from Dr. Townsley’s report.
Review of School Goals for the 2023-2024 School Year: The three building principals provided the Board with an overview on the progress toward achievement of their academic, behavioral, and cultural goals for the 2023-2024 school year.
Personnel Division: The Board approved the hiring of a middle school science teacher and food service director for the 2024-2025 school year.
Facility Division: Dr. Batenhorst provided the Board with an update on the District’s research into the possibility of moving to solar power in the near future. The District is currently discussing options with two solar power companies.
Administrative Division: The Board approved the FY 2024 Budget Amendment that was brought forth in the meeting. The Board also approved the First Reading of a series of policies related to school finance and wellness.
Board Reports: No reports were offered during the meeting.
Consent Agenda: All the items for the Consent Agenda were approved as presented.
School Board Calendar: The Board reviewed possible dates to approve staff contracts for the 2024-2025 school year. The Board will also hold a special meeting on May 22, 2024, at 7:00 a.m., to approve staff contracts for the 2024-2025 school year. The Board also moved its regular June meeting to June 3rd from June 10th, due to schedule issues for Board members.