The regular monthly meeting of the Mount Vernon Community School District School was held on May 8, 2023.  The following topics were addressed during the meeting:

Approval of Agenda:  The meeting agenda was approved as written with no changes proposed.

Superintendent Report:  Dr. Batenhorst reflected back on a great year, and also praised the members of the School Board for their great work and support in celebration of School Board Recognition Month. 

Public Comments:  No public comments were made during the meeting.

Administrative Division

Presentation of Fiscal Year 2022 Financial Audit:  The District’s auditors provided an overview of the recently completed audit for the 2022 fiscal year.  Overall, the District remains financially healthy, and continues to engage in ethical practices.  The District will work in the next few months to make modifications to the few areas in which the auditor identified as needing attention.

Policy Update:  The Board approved the First Reading of a series of policy recommendations provided by the Iowa Association of School Boards policy experts.

Program Division

Update of Progress on School Goals, and Feedback from Teacher Focus Groups on 

Standards Based Grading Practices:  The building principals provided progress updates related to the academic, behavioral, and cultural goals for each school.  Additionally, the principals provided an overview of feedback from teachers related to the District’s standards based grading and reporting practices, commonly known as Evidence Based Learning (EBR).  The Board then engaged in discussion of current teaching and learning practices in place in the district.

Personnel Division

Approval of New Master Contract:  The Board approved a new contract with the Mount Vernon Education Association that extends the current contract an additional two years through June of 2026.  Certified staff members will receive total compensation increases of 3.27%, 3.35%, and 2.79% respectively over the next three years.  Minor changes were also made to personal leave guidelines for certified staff members, and a committee will be established to review extra duty compensation during the 2023-2024 school year.

Approval of Administrative and Support Staff Contacts for 2023-2024:  The Board approved 3% salary increases for administrators and support staff members for the 2023-2024 school year.

Approval of Personnel Contracts for New Hires:  The Board approved the hiring of individuals for open positions for this spring (coaching), and for the 2023-2024 school year.

Facilities Division:  Dr. Batenhorst provided an update on the progress of the construction of the new activities complex.     

Reports:  No reports were offered during this portion of the meeting.      

Unfinished Business:  No unfinished business was addressed in the meeting.       

Consent Agenda:  All items in the Consent Agenda were approved as presented. 

The next regularly scheduled meeting of the School Board is scheduled for Monday, June 12, 2023 at 6:30 p.m.