The regular monthly meeting of the Mount Vernon Community School District School was held on December 12, 2022.  The following topics were addressed during the meetings:

Mid-Year Superintendent Review:  Prior to the beginning of the regular meeting, the Board held its annual mid-year review with Dr. Batenhorst.

Approval Agenda:  The meeting agenda was approved as written with no changes proposed.

Superintendent Report:  Dr. Batenhorst congratulated Board member Dr. Lori Merlak, on earning her doctoral degree.  Dr. Batenhorst then spoke to the power of community, and acknowledged the great work of those who have led the community and the district currently and in the past.   

Public Comments:  No public comments were made during the meeting. 

Program Division

IASB Conference Reflections:  The members of the School Board that attended the recent IASB Convention, along with Dr. Batenhorst, shared what they learned and what resonated with them from the sessions they attended at the convention.  

Curriculum Update:  Dr. Batenhorst provided the Board with a yearly update on curriculum work being completed by teachers.  Dr. Batenhorst discussed the five-year curriculum cycle with the Board, emphasizing the work completed by TLC Instructional Specialist and the teachers during summer curriculum work.  Dr. Batenhorst also shared with the Board information regarding the work and the roles of the teacher leaders in the District.

Gifted Programming Update:  As part of its yearly update on the gifted programming for the District, Dr. Batenhorst shared a video from Kari Martin, Washington Elementary Enrichment Specialist, highlighting the new enrichment programming at the school.  Dr. Batenhorst also provided an update on the new enrichment learning center being constructed in an old school bus that will be ready for use in the 2023-2024 school year.  

Personnel Division:  The Board approved the hiring of a series of support staff members.  

Facilities Division:  Dr. Batenhorst provided a brief overview on the progress with the construction of the new activities complex.     

Administrative Division: The Board approved the Second Reading of a series of policy updates provided by the Iowa Association of School Boards, along with approving the First Reading of all policies in the 100 and 600 series.    

Reports:  No reports were offered by Board members during the meeting.   

Unfinished Business:  No unfinished business was addressed in the meeting.       

Consent Agenda:  All items in the Consent Agenda were approved as presented. 

The next regularly scheduled meeting of the School Board is scheduled for Monday, January 9, 2023.